What's up everybody! I just finished the first update for Sentry Knight, all based on various user feedback we've gathered from several portals. I've adressed the most common complaints, all of which are noted in the New Features list below!
Also wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has left feedback, commented or simply just played our game! We're honored to receive the Daily 3rd Place award as well, and now we're striving for a frontpage award! We really appreciate it and we'll continue to update the game in the future based on the feedback we continue to receive.
New Features (1/11/2014):
- Increased level cap.
- Removed Talent Tree point restrictions.
- All gold and XP gained while playing a world will carry over if you die.
- Removed cursor/mouse acceleration.
NOTE: You may need to clear your browser cache to properly get the new update.