New Features (1/12/2014):
- Raised level cap to 50 on Campaign Mode.
- Removed level cap from Endless Mode.
- Reduced the amount of gold you gain throughout gameplay by 50%.
- Playing Endless Mode and quitting/dying will save your progress (talents and level). You can now go back and start Endless Mode from the level you last left off on!
- Endless Mode saves carry over to Campaign. Playing Endless Mode will allow you to level up past the level cap and then if you’d like, you can go back through Campaign mode ABOVE the cap with the progress you made on Endless Mode! Little confusing sounding!
- Fixed sound bug that was reported.
- Fixed quitting Endless Mode bug that was reported.
- Fixed a couple other small, behind-the-scenes things.
You may need to clear your browser cache to properly get the new update.
hooray! sounds like a cool game!